The Four Types of System Architectures

In the past, data centre computing was characterised by large, integrated resources called mainframes. As shared computing resources became more decentralized and affordable, these resources split into distributed computing layers of servers, storage, networks and software. To curb the proliferation of distributed IT sprawl, these computing layers were pooled and virtualized for maximum efficiency and […] Read more »

Social Media: IT Vendors Mobilize your Channel!

With over 140 million tweets a day and more than 300 million people logging into Facebook on a daily basis, we can state that social media is widely used and adopted by both consumers and enterprises. Now that vendors have organized, formalized and set up social media guidelines (e.g. Cisco and Intel) they are going […] Read more »

The State of The Cloud: Marcel Warmerdam with Intel and Cisco on Webwereld Webcast

Earlier this month METISfiles principal analyst Marcel Warmerdam was invited by webwereld to take part in a discussion around the status and future of ‘The Cloud’. At the table were also Jasper Bakker (webwereld) leading the discussion, Henk van den Eeckhout (Intel) and Bob Stemmerik (Cisco). The discussion focused on four themes: 1) the current […] Read more »