Last week METISfiles presented on the state of the Dutch cloud at a press lunch organised by Lubbers De Jong and Rubrik.
Our Cloudscore (see Figure above) looks at the current state of cloud demand, supply and infrastructure and scores segments on a five point cloud maturity/adoption scale depending on how segments perform versus the average: * = low, *** = average, ***** = high.
The scoring is based both on publicly available statistics and on our own experience of researching the Dutch cloud market over the last six years:
- On the demand side both consumers and employees have a higher adoption of cloud and government and things a lower adoption compared to the business sector.
- On the supply side, the channel is less mature than Dutch SaaS, PaaS and IaaS players.
- On the infrastructure side, data centers and networks (in terms of broadband access and internet peering respectively) score higher than Dutch hosters (see Figure below).
In a nutshell, the Dutch public digital infrastructure is high quality. The Dutch cloud supply side could do more with it, currently US SaaS, PaaS and IaaS players dominate. On the demand side consumers and employees are happily – and sometimes unknowingly – using cloud services. The business sector is using cloud for its ease of use and scalability, or not because of insufficient knowledge, security risk and data location uncertainty. Dutch government is behind the business sector and IoT is in its infancy.
The presentation is available on slideshare.