System Integration In A Multi-Cloud World

MultiCloudBusiness leaders are looking at technology as a key strategic asset for dealing with the accelerated pace of change. Managers of customer facing business units are eager to unleash the full potential of Big Data. The cloud is becoming the connection between business and technology. How can IT services players harness the power of technology, information and the accelerating pace of business change?

Instead of focusing on outsourcing human skills and labour they should deliver automated services sourced from the cloud and operated within a shared multi-tenant infrastructure. These services should not be driven and priced by business process and service levels but rather by solutions to problems and business outcomes.

Through positioning themselves as cloud integrators and orchestrators IT services vendors can continue to play an important role for their customers. While for some this means that they will remain distinctly local and provide their own private, hybrid and public cloud offerings, others have started to forge alliances with global cloud providers to complement their own offering.

In the longer term, smaller IT service providers will start to phase out their own private infrastructure. By that time they can no longer compete with the innovation drive and global scale that the larger players offer. Instead they will focus on Multi-Cloud management. This will not be an easy switch, but those who can make it will get tomorrow’s enterprise business.

Check out Pim Bilderbeek’s presentation “Van BPO naar BPaaS” on SlideShare below. This presentation was delivered recently at the EvoSwitch event in Haarlem.

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