Top 125 Finnish Public Cloud Providers

IT industry analyst firm The METISfiles has released the inaugurate version of the Finnish Public Cloudscape. Designed to highlight the XaaS provider ecosystem in Finland, the Finnish Cloudscape provides a snapshot of who the most important Finnish cloud providers are and in which cloud segments and categories they specialize.

Version 1.0 visualizes more than 125 cloud providers. SaaS is the most popular segment with 62% of entries. 36% of entries are IaaS providers and 2% are PaaS providers.

Within the SaaS segment, Finance/ERP is the leading SaaS offering with 24% of SaaS vendors. Communications commands a 10% share of SaaS followed by Collaboration (6%), Digital Marketing (6%), Time Management (6%) and Business Intelligence (4%). The “other” segment (44%) has a wide variety of specialisations.

Other interesting characteristics of Finnish SaaS providers include:

  • 53% of SaaS providers have an IaaS partner, 47% have their own infrastructure
  • 49% of SaaS providers that have an IaaS partner are located in a Finnish data centre, 36% are in another European country, 15% are in the US
  • 56% of SaaS providers that have an IaaS partner provide online ordering and onboarding compared to 9% of those that have their own infrastructure

A digital copy and logographic of the Finnish Cloudscape can be downloaded here.

Check out the infographic below:

Finland Cloudscape Infographic v1.0

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