Top 10 Most-Read Posts of 2014

Top 10We start the new year with a quick look back. The METISfiles website enjoyed a 90% increase in pageviews in 2014 (thank you!), mostly due to our increased coverage of the European public cloudscape. You will find the top 10 of the most-read posts ranked below:

  1. Big Data Brotherhood
  2. The Dutch Public Cloudscape
  3. The Four Types of System Architectures
  4. Partnerships, Channels and Alliances – Who Does What Exactly
  5. Cloudscape Spain
  6. Cloudscape Belgium
  7. Cloudscape Germany
  8. Cloudscape UK
  9. The Future of The Network is Software Defined
  10. Cisco Positions for The Internet of Everything

Source: Google Analytics

Wishing you a happy and successful 2015!

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About Pim Bilderbeek