Top 1000 European Public Cloud Computing Providers

In our continuing Cloudscape research efforts we now have covered Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and the UK. If you have been following our research blog you will have noticed that for each country we cover we also provide some analysis on popular XaaS categories, hosting locations, and the ability to offer online ordering and onboarding. We have now combined the five countries we currently cover (which we are expanding to other countries as well, stay tuned!) into a Top 1000.

The Top 1000 currently contains 1007 XaaS offerings. SaaS remains the most popular segment with 71% of entries. 25% of entries are IaaS providers and only 4% offer PaaS services.

Within the SaaS segment, Communications is the leading SaaS offering with 15% of SaaS vendors. Finance/ERP commands a 14% share of SaaS followed by Online Workspace (11%), CRM (8%), Collaboration (6%), HRM (6%), Digital Marketing (4%), Healthcare (3%) and Document Management (3%). The “other” segment (29%) has a wide variety of specialisations of which Time Management, Security and Project Management are some of the more popular ones.

Other interesting characteristics of the Top 1000 providers include:

  • 54% of SaaS providers have an IaaS partner, 46% have their own infrastructure
  • 56% of SaaS providers that have an IaaS partner have their production site located in a home country data centre, 26% are in another European country, 18% are in the US
  • 58% of SaaS providers that have an IaaS partner provide online ordering and onboarding compared to 22% of those that have their own infrastructure

Check out the infographic below (click on the picture to enlarge):

Europe Cloudscape Infographic

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