The Value of Data

Value of DataMETISfiles principal analyst Marcel Warmerdam and Keala Consultancy managing director Ruud Alaerds presented at the Meet-the-Press event organized by MCS, The Communication Force and Yellow Communications on ‘The Value of Data’. Ruud and Marcel took a stab at issues that surround the ever increasing ocean of data and the efforts of businesses to unlock its perceived value. Their presentation touched upon three major issues:

  • Data infrastructure. During the presentation it became clear that while the value of data is widely acknowledged the cost that surround the data is not. In order to harness the ever growing ocean of data continuing investments need to be made in infrastructure whether on premise or in the cloud.
  • Key trends driving big data. As Moore and Gilder’s law prove still valid, the amount of digital data doubles every other year. For the foreseeable future this pattern will continue and give rise to ever higher expectations surrounding Big Data.
  • The promise of big data. The lack of knowledge and experience on how to use analytics in a Big Data environment will  drive demand for analytic skills as well as specialized analytic service providers.

The presentation was followed by a lively discussion with the audience of IT vendors and the press around five statements regarding the ‘Value of Data’ theme.

Check out the slides the (Dutch) presentation below!

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About Marcel Warmerdam